Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Yoga in Bratislava

@Darshana Yoga

Yikes! Pretty scary entrance.

19.15 - Power Yoga with Carlo

Great class even though I could understand NOTHING, except figured out that "nardi" means inhale and "vyvych" means exhale in Slovak. So there you go.  My gorgeous friend Zuzana organised the class which was good because the website was in Slovak so I don't think I would've figured anything out otherwise! She also dropped me off, just like a Mum drops their kids off at afternoon activities and spoke to the teacher for me in Slovak.   He was so cute and seemed nervous because I didn't speak Slovak and he spoke very little English and seemed intimidated because I did. Again, I will reiterate how inferior I've felt in all of these European countries where they all speak at least 2 languages. This dude had nothing to worry about.  I just reassured him that I would copy other people so no worries. Anyway, class began in the teeny tiny mini studio in the basement below street level of which we had to walk through a bigger studio (with a Yoga Therapy class still going!) as quietly as possible. The mini room was cool though because I was near the window and could see people's feet walking past. Okay, people, not just their feet. Also, the class had mirrors at the front which forced me to look at myself, s scary sight!  The back wall had this creepy swami yoga man which I also had to look at. I'm not sure which was worse.

Mirrors! Eek!
Some sort of swami yoga man. 
It was definitely a strength-based class which was perfect because I really felt like I needed to wake up my relatively dormant, carb-filled muscles! Carlo was one of those teachers who was clearly passionate about yoga and teaching.  Even though I couldn't understand anything, you could just tell through his body language and facial expression that he was just really into what he was saying. He was super nice and would always do the actions for me when he caught my eye.

Carlo, me and some Panda eyes.
This class alone was worth a hundred because of one particular adjustment. In the middle of the vinyasa flows we held Plank position, which, on a side note, apparently has no actual Sanskrit name am I correct? Anyway, we held our planks for a while and as I have a terrible habit of collapsing into my shoulders and arching my back to create "duck butt, he came over to correct me. All he did was point in between my shoulders which made me round my back, touch either side of my shoulders which  immediately made me come out of my shoulders and enable me to tuck my pelvis under. We actually held this plank for quite a while and really gave me the opportunity to correct this position. Brilliant!  I now know the correct alignment to do forever! Yay!

The rest of the class was a flowing Vinyasa style with lots of leg work through Utkatasana and the Viras. He really sequenced the poses well and really worked one side for a long time before changing. It just felt like such a good workout. I really enjoy this style. If I ever teach, I think this is something I could get into. ALthough, this yoga journey is making me doubt that as a prospect. That's a whole other issue though. Nevertheless, I could hardly walk the next day so that was great! Overall, a lovely little class which really made me work up a sweat.  I also spoke to lovely French girl afterwards in the change room and she said that this guy is one of the best in town.  I agreed with her wholeheartedly. He was excellent!

My Mum, I mean, my friend Zuzana and her boyfriend, Misko, then picked me up and we walked around the beautiful capital of Bratislava after that.  One of my favourite places yet! Bliss.

Zuzana and Misko.

Beautiful Bratislava.


  1. Sounds like your visit to Bratislava was much better than ours. Great blog site. Happy yoga!

  2. Sounds like your visit to Bratislava was much better than ours. Great blog site. Happy yoga!

  3. Hi Janice!
    Yeah, I found it lovely. I guess it was different because I was with a local perhaps?! Thanks for the compliment. Yay4Yoga! x
