Thursday 13 June 2013

Not just yoga.

I remember having several discussions since my yoga teaching 'thing' has become a 'thing' about the need to do other forms of exercise.  Well, of course everyone has different fitness needs and I am no exception. In a perfect world, I would love to just do yoga, go for the occasional hike and eat whatever I please. Alas, that is not the real world.

My last, very French meal. Waiting for the Eurostar.
I am one of those people who is NOT blessed with a high metabolism and can eat whatever I like. Oh
no. I am one of those people who wakes up each day and says, right, today will be a good eating day. Today I will NOT eat badly. Today I will NOT get fat. Yep, that's me. Every single damn day I have to think about what I eat. Doesn't mean I actually do it mind you. There are some days where I might eat something bad and then of course it's just a complete write off. I think to myself well, that's a waste of a day, but now I'm on the bad food bandwagon, I may as well just eat shit for the rest of the day and then start again tomorrow.

At least yoga has given me the knowledge and tools (Ayurveda) to really analyse the food choices I make and really be in tune with how my body feels. On the the days that I eat crap, inevitably I feel like crap. It's really very simple. I no longer eat red meat and after cutting out wheat about a year ago, I really find it difficult to have it again. I've actually created my own allergy almost, as if I consume too much, it seems to build up in my system and as a result I develop allergic reactions like swelling and puffiness of my eyes and lips. Oh dear. Since London, I've been waking up with these symptoms each day, so it's time to stop eating wheat again. Man, this is super boring. If you are still reading this far, I'm truly sorry.  On a high note, the chocolate croissants in Paris are totally worth getting sick for.

In conclusion, it's tough eating well every single day and even tougher when you are travelling. Hopefully I will try and make the right choices and not roll off the plane when I get home, 10 kgs heavier!

I am lucky, however, that I LOVE exercise. I guess it's the endorphins that make me feel good which is why exercise for me is an imperative part of my life. On the days I don't exercise, I am a completely different person. Some would say subhuman. Others would just say I'm a bitch. Anyhoo, in a perfect world, yoga would be enough, but for me and many others I think, you need a combination. That's why I jumped at the chance to go to the gym with my friend who I'm staying with here in London at the moment. She took me to this AMAZING gym called Gym Box, where I ran on the treadmill and did weights. Just my usual little routine back home. It was nice to feel strong again lifting weights with a bit of resistance and my joints thanked me for it, especially after the daily yoga I've been doing on this trip. With my hyperligamentis laxity ie. hypermobile joints, I really need to have a good weights routine to keep them stable.

This gym was almost like a nightclub. So cool!

Coolest sign ever.

Unfortunately, during my workout, all I could think about was the chocolate croissants from Paris... Argh! Food. You will forever be my nemesis! My love/hate relationship continues...

My friend Jac and I x

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