Thursday 27 June 2013

Yoga FAIL in Zakopane

Yay 4 Joga!
After a complete stuff up on my behalf in Zakopane, a lovely little mountain/ski resort in the hills between Poland and Slovakia, I managed to walk PAST the studio several times, but not actually find it. I blame my constant state of sleep deprivation and that my eyes are permanently cloudy and bloodshot from only eating meat and bread!  Eastern Europe is a tough place to make smart eating choices.  It has been made particularly difficult, because I decided to do a tour which is rather restrictive in terms of food choices on the road. In any case, I managed to eventually find the yoga studio in Zakopane, only to be a day out with my dates. The pitfalls of idea what day it is. Oh, it was also 9 degrees, so the odds of me actually venturing out to do a yoga class were slim to none. I don't do 9 degrees. 

Here is a taste of what I've eaten and why all of my clothes are now too tight. Went into shop that had in big writing: "Omelet" and I just popped in for dinner because I thought, gosh I really could do with a nice sort of vegetarian omelette. I feel like I could be getting scurvy with the lack of vitamins I've received. I am also so so so sick of eating carbs and meat. Cue "omelet" delivered to me that looked like this: 
Polish "omelette".
Next, my tour buddies and I went to a sort of roadside takeaway place and they safely ordered hamburgers.  I ordered a "Salatka" to which the Polish lady promptly brought me a few pieces of lettuce or cabbage and said "Sorry, no Salatka" indicating that the rest of the salad is for the hamburgers. Righto, I thought, I'll just have some chicken.  Again, my whole no meat/wheat thing has completely gone out the window on this portion of the trip unfortunately.  So there were some roast chickens on the rotisserie thing and I thought that would be the safest and healthiest.  Next minute, she hands me a WHOLE chicken, cut in half and sitting on a plate. Guess, I'm eating a whole chicken for dinner then! Didn't get a picture of that one because of the embarrassment factor. My mates managed to help me out though. 

Oh, every few metres there are little stands that sell all these pastry things. I haven't tried one as yet. Oh and in the background, you can see a giant soft serve ice cream. They are also everywhere here. Again, haven't had one yet, but with all the travelling, I seem to be on an endless search for a good coffee and snacking on nuts, sweets and chocolate. Ah, chocolate...

I eventually did manage to find some markets that sold this beautiful fresh fruit...much better. 

So, Zakopane was unfortunately a lost cause in terms of yoga. There were 2 studios, but I seemed to miss both classes on both nights I was there. Idiot. 

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