Wednesday 15 May 2013

Yoga in Coffs Harbour

@ Hara Beyond Movement Studio        

6.30pm – Core Vinyasa with Suzanne

What a divine studio. THIS is the kind of studio one would ordinarily expect to see in Soho or the East Village in New York.   (“One” being someone who has actually been to New York…which isn't me...but WILL be me soon!)

The entrance is very unassuming with no street signage, but I think it was because it is relatively new.  I appreciated the simplicity of the glass sliding doors opening to a corner stocked with Lululemon gear.  I am still torn between Lululemon and Lorna Jane.  What's your favourite? Anyway, with a floating floor,  white painted brick walls, black and white photos, including a complete wall mural of old school New York City and two studios separated by a semi-transparent sheet, I couldn’t believe I was in a coastal country town known mainly for the “Big Banana”.

Two days earlier, Sadie Nardini, the founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga, had visited this very studio delivering workshops.  Just my luck I missed out. Anyhoo, as a result, Suzanne made tonight’s class a Core Class. It was absolutely incredible.   Almost like a Pilates-infused Yoga class.  When coming from Downward Dog to Plank, instead of being stiff and straight we had to curl our spine, tuck chin under and “ripple” our spine in a wave like motion to plank. It was extraordinarily efficient in automatically engaging the core and Mula Bandha, without needing constant reminding.  The entire classed was centred around this “ripple” effect and as such, I felt far more grounded and supported during my practise.  Highly recommend going!

Suzanne was just lovely and also one of those people who was really pretty close up. 

Sequence: TBA

Quote: “Our bodies are perfectly imperfect”. (She is a genius!)

Coffee: Café Aqua, Park Beach.

Sunrise from Park Beach.
There was a chick doing yoga just behind me and that made me smile.
I thought about taking her photo, but then thought that it would be creepy, for everyone involved. 

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