Saturday 18 May 2013

Yoga in Newcastle

@ Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle                 8.00am – Vinyasa with Josh

So. Very. Cold.  It was 10 degrees Celsius this morning when I woke up and I’m pretty sure it was about 5 deg colder in the yoga room. This morning I SHOULD have done a hot class! Damn it.

Nevertheless, I got through it, all 95 minutes!

Josh seemed like a nice guy. Definitely a man of few words.  The class was very well structured and rather than demonstrating everything from the mat, he would move amongst the students and randomly do the pose next to them.  It was great. He also gave all the options as it was a very mixed bag of levels.  On a personal note, he helped me touch my fingers to the ground when I was doing Prasarita Padottanasa with my hands clasped behind my back and then shoulder arms coming over my head towards the floor. He very patiently stood and pushed my hands down towards the ground on each one of my exhales.  Of course, when they touched the ground I responded with a semi-quiet: “OMG yay! Thanks!”  I felt exceptionally good after this class. I really think I'm going to move away from the Power Yoga forms and back towards slower, strengthening, Hatha types. 
Merewether Baths.
Sequence: Garudasana (Eagle) / Virabadrasana III (Warrior 3) / Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Reverse half moon) 

(Begin with Eagle squat down as far as you can, then uncurl legs and take top leg out the back to Warrior 3 maintaining Eagle arms. Then uncurl arms and extend into Reverse half moon.)

Quote: “Are you in the pose, or are you waiting to get out of the pose?”  

Coffee: Wanted to try Feast, but they were closed, so went to a tried and true favourite instead: Bar Beach General Store, Parkway Ave.

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