Thursday 23 May 2013

Yoga in Dubbo.

@ Yoga with Kym                                         10.00am - Sivananda Yoga with Kym

The entrance to the Atma Holistic Centre,
which includes the yoga studio, looks like this!
Phew! Made it. Drove 150km in 1 hour and 23 minutes. Country drivers either drive really, really, really slowly...or about 20 kms over the speed limit :-s I drove somewhere in between, ahem, with about 3 minutes to spare after I eventually found this lovely little yoga studio, which was an old council room with lovely wooden floors and high ceilings in the old Macquarie Chambers, built in 1884. (That's ancient history in Australia).

Kym was a beautiful lady inside and out! She was instantly welcoming and friendly the minute I walked in, even thought I was all flustered with only a couple of minutes to spare.  I am a super stresshead about being late, as my friends would atest too. Being a military brat, I was trained to turn up 15 minutes early for everything. My mates actually inform me that something will start half an hour later than the ACTUAL start time because they know I'll be early and they will notoriously be late. Argh!

Again, I digress. Yes, Dubbo, being a smallish town, she knew I was new and asked all the appropriate questions.  She then told me she trained with Katy Appleton! One of my all time favourite yoga teachers EVER! I got so excited all of a sudden, saying that I've been doing the Geri Yoga DVDs for like half my life! It makes it sound kinda lame when you reference a Spice Girl in relation to the majority of your yoga experience.

Gorgeous mismatched patchwork cushions.
The class was beautiful. Very flowy and stretchy. I've never done Sivananda yoga before so it was really fun to experience yet another style of yoga! Kym was excellent at creating visuals for each pose, using everyday items or actions as a reference point.  My all-time favourite to date involves pink high heels. When coming into Ardho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog) from high lunge, she says: "step into your pink high heels!" PINK HIGH HEELS! Brilliant!  Another really good phrase she used was when placing both hands on the ground in Bidalasana (Cat/Cow) oh, in which she did that awesome free-flowing snakey thing with the spine, and Balasana (Child's pose) was to: "stand your hands into the ground". It really did work in making the hands grip the floor, white knuckle style. Finally, when coming into Supta Padanagustasana (Reclining big toe pose), she told the class that we were doing the can can. FUN!

She mostly did verbal corrections, rather than physical adjustments. This was in stark contrast to what I'd experienced a couple of hours ago in my Orange class with the whole "boobs in squashing into the back" situation. I was quietly relieved. Moving on.

I was quite disappointed that the class only lasted an hour, but knew I had a looooong drive home. Nine and a half hours to be exact! On my way out, I told Kym about this blog and she thought it was a great idea! Thanks Kym! She also said to just find myself, my own style, my own way and be true to myself. When I start to teach, the right people will gravitate towards me. Naw. She was so nice! She also told me that Katy Appleton recently had a baby so I probably wouldn't be able to see her when I visit London...damn it!

Sequence: In the middle of Sun salutations, she threw in an Extended side angle, then rotated it, offered bound arms as an option, then cartwheeled the arms over into plank, then back into the pink high heels, Down dog. It was really effective in testing your balance and elevating the heart rate that little bit more.

Quote: "Think less. Move more. Look within." AND: "Are you a worrier, or a warrior?"

Coffee: Mr Bean's Coffee Emporium, Macquarie St. This was just the first coffee shop I saw across the road, plus it had Piazza D'oro beans, so it was already a winner.
The main street below. 

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