Monday 27 May 2013

Hatha Yoga in Brisbane

@ Yoga Physio                                         5.30pm - Experienced/Level 2 with Tam

Lovely little studio in Auchenflower off Haig Rd.
On a side note, look at the phone booth on the left!
Do they really still exist? Who uses them?
Class tonight was just lovely. I've only been to one other class here (same time and teacher) and it was entirely different from tonight! Again, that's what I love about yoga. The diversity. It's like the box of chocolates in Forrest Gump.

The studio is tucked away underneath the main shop front, at least, I think it's a shop with all the pyhysio stuff.  It is a lovely little bricked in place, with a burgundy feature wall, soft lighting and mats lined up around the edge so we were all facing each other. Fun! It has zero noise which is excellent for being so close to the city. Oh and perhaps because I've just returned from my little country road trip, but it had that real country feel to it. You could tell that the students and teachers were all familiar with each other and just as welcoming to an outsider like me.

Tamara James, the teacher, is really cute and fun!  She is the founder of the studio and also a Physiotherapist which really is an added bonus in a yoga class.  She was just so welcoming and even remembered my face from last time which was great!  She began with Pranayama, which I'm not sure of the name, but it was basically inhale for 4, exhale for 4, inhale for 5, exhale for 5 etc. Then she told us to just "find our breath".  She really had an excellent way with words. Which I think was even more pronounced this evening because I'd spent the entire day doing a First Aid course, to update my certificate (just in case one of my future yoga students gets stung by a jellyfish or impaled on a fence) with a trainer who kept saying "pacifically" instead of "specifically"amongst other things. Argh! Breathe...

So yes, Tam would say things like "liberating your happy hips" and "journeying your arms".  It was such a nice change.  Her sequencing was just lovely and floaty and flowy. It was in stark contrast to the one previous class I'd taken with her which had heaps of strength work and inversions.  I love that each class is different.  I will most definitely try and make this my regular place if/when I come back to Brisbane. Providing I don't run into Gwyneth Paltrow when I'm in London and she makes me her personal yoga instructor. Six of one really.

She did a number of sequences all based on a six breath movement and once she demonstrated, we were able to just do our own thing, 6 breaths on either side. I absolutely LOVED this. It was just so nice to be in a room full of other yogis and just doing yoga! A couple of them were poses I have never done in my life and cannot remember what they were called. But, I do remember that she used ALL of the Sanskrit names and very few English versions, which was very impressive. Also, she drops the "a" at the end of the "asana".  I learnt about this at Yoga Teacher Training camp, that instead of saying, for example: Uttanasana, it could be pronounced: Uttanasan. Fun!  Her instructions were very clear and she demonstrated each sequence and then walked around to help eveyrone. There were lots of different levels in the class so it was nice to see how professionally she coped with that. Ooh, we ended with Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand) with the chair! Twice in one week! The entry to this pose was the opposite to what I learnt in Kate Pell's class (Yoga in Bowral) where we started on the ground and worked our hips/legs upwards. Instead, we put the chair with the back against the wall, then started out sitting on it, threw our legs up into a sort of Viparita Karani thing and then very ungracefully sort of wiggled or slid our way down until our neck was on the bolster below and our hands were underneath gripping the back legs.  Our legs were then straight up leaning on the back of the chair and touching the wall. Phew! Man, I wish I knew how to draw a picture using my computer. Would be way easier.  It felt amazing though and again, I am going to try and not go straight for the harder/stronger options every time I take a class, especially how my body feels today. Starting to fatigue. Must practise Ahimsa!

The general vibe of the class was lovely. With nice music in the background, mostly Kirtan, with a lovely little Bluesy number called "Move yourself" or "Move me" or "Move something..." Again, I think I am keen to make Jazz Yoga a thing! Oh and students would feel comfortable enough to ask the teacher questions and have a little joke or two here or there. Definitely my kind of place!

Extra stuff:
On another side note (in addition to the fact there is still a market for telephone booths in the year 2013) is that Yogaphysio also offers Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness. This definitely appealed to me given my, er, history.  Great that such a comprehensive range of therapies can be offered in the one place.

Sequence: No idea what this was called, but it was by far my favourite of the class. Started in Bridge, then inhaled lifting, ahem, "journeying" our hips to the sky and arms straight up and over the head, then exhale tuck knees to chest. Inhale legs out to either side, exhale, tuck chin to chest and go forward between the legs. Inhale come down, arms back, legs still apart and exhale tuck knees to chest. Inhale back to flowing Bridge and exhale back to the floor. Again, like all of the other sequences, we did it in our own time for 6 breaths.

Quote: "Let your breath be, as it is" - Tam, yogaphysio.

Coffee: TBA (Hey, it was 7.45pm! But, I know the place I want to check out tomorrow morning on my way to Yoga Class #13)

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