Saturday 11 May 2013

How did yoga find you?

 Gwyneth Paltrow (1994)

As a 15 year old, I was obsessed with Brad Pitt. He was my idol. I had posters of him on my wall, had watched all of his movies up to date, in particular Legends of the Fall (the one and only time in my life I've ever been attracted to a long-haired man) and even made a Brad Pitt scrap book much to the jealousy of my girlfriends. Crazy times.  At this time, he was also dating some up and coming actress called Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwyneth was really into this new, trendy fitness craze that was sweeping the Western world called "yoga".  I had to get into it, I thought to myself, it's the only way Brad will notice me.

Body Balance (1997)

Attended my first Body Balance class at my local gym. Body Balance (BB) is a Les Mills branded"relaxation" class combining Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi.  It is choreographed to music and is simply amazing. 

Spice Girls (1999)                                                                   

After a year or so of doing Body Balance, I bought my first Yoga DVD, Geri Yoga ie. Geri Halliwell, former Spice Girl, better known as Ginger Spice. Don't judge me.  Her yoga teacher, Katy Appleton is a legend.  I then purchased Geri Body Yoga which has one of my alltime favourite Moon sequences that I still practise to this day.  Oh and also, it has her dog in it. Yes, her actual pet dog lies down with everyone at the end in Savasana. Brilliant!

The rest is history...

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