Wednesday 22 May 2013

What is the purpose of this blog?

To provide new yoga teachers an insight into different yoga styles and teaching methods, from rural Australia to New York City, Paris, London and more.


So, just gave myself a little fact finding yoga mission to keep me occupied :-)

After practising many types of yoga for about 14 years now, including Hatha, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram and Power, I decided it was time to complete my Level 1 Teacher Training.  I spent about a year researching Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in India, Costa Rica, New York and even Italy.  Spurred on by an anxiety-inducing job and a boy who broke my heart, I knew that the time was right so I booked myself into the Byron Yoga Centre course that was due to begin 2 weeks later!  I quit everything, packed my car and drove the 3 hours to Byron for the 20 day course. More on the course at a later date...

In addition to providing research for new yoga teachers, I actually need to "find" my own teaching style.  As I am fairly transient, I've tried yoga wherever I've travelled or lived.  Thus, I decided to continue this trend and make a record of my yoga experiences.  My aim is to try yoga at least once in each place I visit, taking into account time/convenience etc.  Of course, some country towns I've visited so far have more than one yoga studio, so I'll just have to attend those when I come back!  Conversely, some country towns have no yoga at all, so I've taken a mental note of those places in case I decide to move there and have a yoga monopoly!

My blog aims to provide a general summary of my experience in each class, in addition to:

Quote: words of wisdom, inspirational quotes or tidbits of advice that I might use as a teacher one day myself. (I know, I know, it's not very "Asteya" of me, but I need all the help I can get!)

Sequences: unique/interesting ones that I can see/feel in practise, rather than read in a book/online

Coffee: the best coffee in town! YES! I'm a coffee-drinking, occasional meat-eating, slightly squishy/curvy/totally not stick think yogi. GASP! On a side note, I just found this: Fat Yoga. Amazing! Um, where was I, yes. I appreciate good coffee. Perfectly roasted beans, nice service and unburnt milk!

So, yes, basically a little online collection of yoga ideas for new teachers, written (hopefully) in a positive and uplifting way!

I haven't really had a mentor or regular yoga teacher that I can go to for advice, so I will just try and meet as many yoga teachers as possible and take bits and pieces of advice from them.  My style will end up being either a rich tapestry from yoga gurus from all around the world, or a complete mixture of unconnected ramblings that don't make any sense. Who knows?!

The first part of this blog encompasses parts of Australia and the "beyond" part shall include my upcoming trip to New York, Paris, London, Eastern Europe and further beyond!

Also, I just read this: Top 5 Ways to Learn How To Teach Yoga. 

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