Friday 17 May 2013

Yoga in Tamworth

10.00 – General Yoga (Hatha) with Veronica (and Freddy and Talulah)

DOGS!!!!!!!!! She brought dogs! DOGS were IN THE CLASS! Best class EVER!  I LOVE DOGS! 
Talulah and Freddy.


So I was waiting in this little alleyway, trying ever so hard not to reach for my phone and mindlessly check it for texts, Facebook updates, Tweets, News bulletins, etc. My latest aim has been to just sit and take in the environment when I have that lag time. You know? The time you’re waiting for a mate and you have a spare 3 minutes to kill and you can’t possibly just stand there and watch he world go by, you MUST check your phone. What if someone has messaged you with a  life or death situation in the past 15 seconds?!!! I have zero patience and am very compulsive so find it really difficult to just "be". Hence, why I do yoga. Sorry, I digress.

SO yes, I was waiting in an alleyway, trying not to check my phone, when this big steel gate creaked open and out bounded a gorgeous black poodle, followed by a much older, wiser, scruffier looking white bitsa! The poodle immediately licked my hands and feet and legs and toes and face and ears and everything! I loved her immediately! I knew this would be a good class. I introduced myself to the teacher, who was quickly following behind the dogs, and straight away said: "You bring your dogs to yoga? You are living the dream. Doesn't get any better than that!"

You can get your haircut right after yoga class!
This was a traditional Hatha class in which, Veronica, obviously a seasoned teacher, performed the entire thing virtually with her eyes closed. It was pretty cool. She really got into it and when we did the standing sequences, she came off her mat and gave everyone adjustments. I really appreciated that, after mentioning that I was a newly trained Level 1 Teacher, she actually went out of her way to come and explain to me why she would say certain things. How nice?! It never ceases to amaze me the generosity and kindness of yogis. Such a breath of fresh air considering how cynical I normally am in my real life! Anyway, she was cool. She had dogs. What can I say.  Just go. I'll be back. 

Oh, the dogs slept in the back corner for the whole class! Oh and when we did Savasana at the end, Talulah came and sat practically right on top of the teacher. So cute!

Best advice: When performing reverse triangle, she told us to reach around and put our hands on our sacrum to ensure it was flat. Pretend there’s a cup of coffee sitting on top. Then twist around the upper body and extend the other arm to the sky. It really was effective in isolating that area and protecting our sacrum.

Sequence: ParivrttaTrikonasasa (Revolved triangle) / Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon) 

Quote: “ Be the best you can possibly be today.”

Coffee: Addimi Espresso, Peel Street. 

Taken from my car (don't recommend) heading south just outside of Scone, NSW.


  1. Hi Kate, I am enjoying reading your blog. I would love to see a post about your 3 week teachers course. Jx

  2. Thanks J! Great idea. Will do it ASAP. I also have another 3 blogs to add, but I'm still on the road with limited communication. Stay tuned...
