Tuesday 28 May 2013

Restorative Yoga in Brisbane

@Core Yoga Studios                        12.30 - General Yoga with Nathan 

View of the city from the studio with
Avid Reader cafe/bookshop below.
Have always wanted to try this one because, again, it is affiliated with qualified physiotherapists, thereby enhancing the yoga experience, at least anatomically!  Also, Core Yoga they offer a program called Yoga for Runners. Not that I would consider myself a runner. I am just someone who runs occasionally. Anyway, it was the perfect class (yoga class #13 actually) for me today, because my body has sort of hit a wall. That wall is called fatigue. Also, a couple of days ago when I was doing my daily Mt Cootha walk, I totally stacked it and landed on my butt sorta of injured myself. Standard. I am possibly the world's most uncoordinated person at times, which is why yoga is possibly the safest form of exercise for me. 

Nathan took the class today (his wife normally takes this timeslot) and he was lovely. His voice was really peaceful and he threw in the odd joke which was nice. He was very comprehensive with checking for injuries, listing each major joint and limb, whilst we were in Supta Badda Konasana (Reclining bound angle pose), and asking us to raise our hands if we were affected by any of these. Very cool way to do it.  

He then did about the first half of the class lying down getting us to twist and stretch into various postures. Then we came up to down dog and did a few slow lunges and side bends. A great class to take in the middle of a rainy day. I absolutely loved it and will definitely go back for a Vinyasa Flow class when I get back from my trip. 

The studio had a big yellow wall! LOVE! Oh and carpet! LOVE EVEN MORE! It was well-stocked with all the props and had a lovely view of the city with a nice breeze coming though the windows. Definitely a good vibe. I was totally relaxed. 

Pose: His explanation of Sphinx pose was possibly the best I have ever come across. He began by getting us to collapse into our shoulders and then promptly called it the "watching television pose" which was hilarious. He then started at our toes in explaining the correct alignment of the posture. Begin with pressing the backs of the feet towards the ground, which in turn lifts the knee caps and engages the quads and glutes. Suck navel to spine, bring the shoulders back and down and really grip the pads of the fingers into the floor and pull backwards slightly. This engages the whole thoracic area giving you a really effective back bend. Brilliant!

Almost finished my book!
Coffee: Avid Reader, Boundary St, West End (Cafe and bookshop in one. Toby's Estate Coffee. Possibly the best bean EVER!

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